Our free-to-download calculator will show you how much better off you could be if you let Orange Rentals manage your property rather than doing it yourself.
We understand that many landlords are hands-on people who like to take care of their properties themselves, but this can turn into a full-time job. Instead, why not free up your time and make more money through serviced accommodation?
It’s easy to use. Simply enter your figures into the purple boxes on the spreadsheet, letting it know how much you pay for rent/mortgage, maintenance and insurance of your buy-to-let property. On the Serviced Accommodation/Holiday Let side, it asks you for some figures on council tax and utility costs.
The calculator will do the rest itself, and we think you’ll be pleasantly surprised by how much more profit you could be making per month if we managed your property.
Don’t forget, as well as maximising your monthly income, you’d be saving time too. With Orange Rentals, you benefit from the expertise and local knowledge of our team, who will keep your property clean and brilliantly maintained. We think it’s a no-brainer.
Want to find out if we could manage your property? If you’re ready to make the move from buy-to-let to serviced accommodation, or if you have any questions about the calculator, we’d love to hear from you.
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